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For a lot of students, the demands of learning at school and at home can be very stressful. These can be times where other issues in life seem to be amplified, and what you should be able to cope with can suddenly feel overwhelming.


If you are feeling really stressed, you need to talk to someone – a teacher, Student Coordinator, the School Counsellor or parent.








Dealing With Stress 


1. Look after yourself!

Pay attention to your sleepdietexerciserelaxation, and reach out for support if you need it (parents, teachers, Student Coordinator or School Councillor).


2. Be Mindful

Practice focusing your attention on the task at hand (mindfulness), rather than getting tangled in your anxiety and thinking of the “what if?”


3. Get Organised

Prepare ahead of time for what’s coming in the next few days. Prioritise what needs to be done.


4. Do Your Research

Get to know your own anxiety warning signs. Read up on how to overcome test anxiety and how to maintain a positive mindset


Mindful helping people enjoy better health, foster more caring relationships, and cultivate a more compassionate society.

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